Monday, July 28, 2014

nest box

This is the box that holds the eggs,

that I painted one summer afternoon.


And this is the dragonfly that sits on the box,

that sits on a table next to these pencils.

These are the domes that sit in the box, next to the painted eggs.

This is the lid that sits on the box...
and this is the end~

Thursday, July 24, 2014

tiny eggs and a box

These little creations are such works of art.

Bird eggs are among the most fantastic little sculptures in nature, the color and variation between them makes them... well, absolutely magical.

Quail is not something we are short of here in Central Oregon.  In fact, we currently have a mob of 35 babies that belong to several parents which come in like a mass immigration to my back yard several times a day to feed.  I love every moment.

The color of these dyed quail eggs is just fantastic!

These little gems inspired me to make a painted wooden egg set {I picked up the plain eggs at a thrift store}.  I studied my Eyewitness Birds' Eggs book to find the best egg for the varying sizes and these came in very close.  The largest is a Crested Tern, Common Raven, American Robin and Northern Oriole. 

I have a dozen or so plain ones left, so naturally they needed a little box to hold them {more on the box later}.

Wishing you a day with a little adventure, thanks for stopping by!


Tuesday, July 22, 2014

out to sea

I have a box of old sea shells from my grandmother and our family travels when we were children.  I am not sure how I was bestowed this box, but I know how much I treasure each and every shell... likely I asked my mother for it one day when I was over at her cottage.  Probably I requested, 'Do you mind if I borrow this box for awhile for some projects?'  And without a doubt my mother graciously replied, 'Sure, knock yourself out.'

But here it is, in the far left cabinet on the bottom shelf, and many times I have pulled out the shells unwilling to glue them to anything, or alter them in any permanent way because that would ruin the simple beauty of them, and my favorite way of enjoying them... which is sorting through the box of memories that are attached to each shell.  Then I had a thought of how lovely they would look with some life in them.  So I added a little life in the form of a small succulent plant~



I find them to be enchanting, and on a desk they look almost look... curious~
 Have a lovely {and maybe a little curious} day~